Your Name*
Your Email*
Contact Number*
Postal Code*
Service Requirement (Select One)* —Please choose an option—Free InspectionGeneral ServiceChemical ServiceMaintenance ServiceRepairInstallation of New System(s)
Description of Symptoms (Choose 1 or more)* Not coldNot workingFan coil unit (indoor) water leakingCondenser (outdoor) water leakingTrunking condensationFan coil unit (indoor) noisyCondenser unit (outdoor) noisyOthers
Number of indoor unit(s)* —Please choose an option—12345678910>10
Preferred Date*
Preferred Time* —Please choose an option—9am - 10am10am - 11am11am - 12pm12pm - 1pm1pm - 2pm2pm - 3pm3pm - 4pm4pm - 5pm5pm - 6pm
Your Message