It’s very important to have your air conditioner check and service regularly. Not only you will breath in a more fresher air for a better health. You can also save on energy cost and extend your equipment life span.
General service of air conditioner is needed to keep your air conditioner equipment working in its best condition.
What do you get for General Service?
Warranty : 3 months warranty on service workmanship & 6 months warranty of parts replacement.
Subjected to our Terms and Conditions
If your air conditioner has been working for years without proper maintenance, then its time for you to have your equipment to go for an overhaul or better known as chemical service.
What do you get for Chemical Service?
This is the best way to keep your air conditioner equipment in top working condition. And leave all the maintenance problem to us.
What do you get for Contract Maintenance?
For commercial contracts, kindly contact us for quotation.