Part Replacement

When determining the parts, you will need for your aircon repair; you first need to have a good understanding of what you are about to introduce into the residence. The first thing to note is that the air conditioner is not an open system, but rather, it is a closed one.

Its purpose is to pump refrigerant via pipes into the internal components of your home. While at it, the air conditioner gets to transform the refrigerant state from vapor into liquid form, and then back to vapor.

The transformation process is essential if cooling is to occur in the residence.

Our Parts Replacement Process

When you get your aircon running once again at the start of the season, you are likely to ask yourself a number of questions. The most common question revolves around determining whether the aircon is running as it ought to. To determine this, our technicians will normally begin by troubleshooting the entire system.

Troubleshooting helps us determine whether there is a problem with the system or with one of its components. If we do establish that there is a faulty component in place, we will proceed to dismantle it before replacing it.

Our technicians come armed with part replacements to make sure that you will be able to resume your normal life as soon as possible. Note that we only use genuine parts that have been recommended by the aircon manufacturers.

The scope of Work When It Comes to Parts Replacement

1. Switch off the power
This should be the first thing you do. Ensure that the electric current flowing into the residence gets switched off. Locate the aircon capacitor by paying attention to the directions given by the manufacturer.

2. the fan motor and clean the condenser fan
There is a likelihood that the condenser fan will be fully covered with debris and dust. Use a brush to clean it thoroughly. You have to remove the fan for you to access the parts that require oiling. Only use the oil recommended by the manufacturer.

3. Clean the condenser coils and fins
Get a garden nozzle and aim it towards the uppermost part of the condenser coil. This will help remove any crud that could have built up beneath its lid. Ensure you work your way around the coil. Try and shoot some water streams into the coils to ensure that you get to flush out all debris.

4. Test the fuses
Start by checking the fuses located in the disconnect block. Use a multi meter to get the correct numerical readings. If you get a zero reading or a negative one, then it means that you have a blown fuse that requires replacement.

5. Inspect the inner part of your access panel
Gently remove the capacitor from its retaining bracket. Find an insulated screwdriver and use it to touch between the terminals. Take note of the readings to determine whether the capacitor is functional or not.

6. Replacing the capacitor
If the capacitor is broken, you will need to replace it. Begin by sliding in a new capacitor into the available retaining bracket. Once done, make sure that you screw it into place using a zip tie.

7. Replace the contactor
For the contactor, all you have to do is to yank off the old one and install a new one in its place. Use your screwdriver to secure it inside the condensing unit.

8. Replace the fan motor
Get a marker and use it to mark the blade so that you can easily know which side is up. Proceed to loosen it before slowly pulling it off from its motor shaft. Swap in the new motor. You will also need to route its wire via the old conduit before using zip ties to secure it. Failure to use the zip ties means that the blades may end up cutting the newly installed wires.

When all this is done, reinstall the disconnect block and access panel. Flip the switch to turn on the circuit breaker. Wait to see whether your parts replacement exercise worked.